This fall, in the midst of a series of growing
scandals within the Bush administration over repeated unlawful and
unethical conduct, Rick Warren of the massive (and renowned)
Saddleback Church in California came to the defense of George W. Bush
and praised Bush’s (former) choice for Supreme Court justice (Harriet Miers). In the company of Richard Land, James Dobson,
Jay Sekulow,
Warren declared
"I think it was for this very moment that we had the last election,"
referring to the 2004 presidential election.
Although Warren in recent months has
been praised for focusing on biblical issues such as poverty and
holistic evangelism, while seemingly avoiding politics, his
endorsement of Miers was yet another indication of the propensity of
conservative evangelicals to act as company cheerleaders for the
Republican Party, even as the party is morally imploding in a rather
spectacular fashion.
Warren's political views were clearly
spelled out prior to the 2004 election, at which time
he called upon Christians to vote for Bush because of
Bush's godly agenda, an agenda which Warren labeled as non-negotiable:
“for those of us who accept the Bible as God's Word and know that God
has a unique, sovereign purpose for every life, I believe there are
five issues that are non-negotiable. To me, they’re not even debatable
because God's Word is clear on these issues."
What are Warren’s five “non-negotiable”
political issues that “God’s Word is clear on?”
Abortion. Like many (if not
most) Christians, I am not pro-abortion. But seemingly unlike many
Christians, when it comes to the subject of abortion I am at least
honest enough with the written Word of God to realize that the only
reference that approximates abortion in the entire Bible is found in
Exodus 21: 22-25, a passage referring to miscarriage in which the life
of a fetus is clearly not considered the equal of the life of a
living, breathing human being. That’s it. This sole reference is not
consistent with what many Christians believe about abortion today.
As to the issue of when life begins,
the biblical Hebraic understanding teaches that life is associated
with the act of breathing. Again, this is contrary to what many
contemporary Christians believe about the beginning of life. In
short, to begin to make the Bible speak to the abortion issue (other
than Exodus 21:22-25 as well as the Hebrew understanding of “life” as
post-womb), one has to range far away from the literal interpretation
of Scripture that all fundamentalists and many conservatives so
insistently champion. Yes, as a Christian one can argue that abortion
is murder and that life begins before the first breath. The best we
can do, scripturally speaking, is to indirectly infer about these
issues from the biblical text, as a recent
New York Times article also noted.
Stem-Cell Harvesting. Although
this is certainly a moral and ethical issue with deep and disturbing
implications, there is not one word in the Bible about stem-cell
Homosexual Marriage. Hmmm …
nothing in the Bible about this issue, either. Sure, the Bible does
discuss homosexuality, alongside certain other sexual activities. And
contrary to scripture, many Christians today consider homosexuality
the most evil of all human activities.
In addition, the Bible does talk about
marriage. Marriages were arranged; choice and love were irrelevant.
Many of the biblical heroes whom God blessed were polygamous. Sexual
intercourse, rather than a document, sealed a marriage. Wives had no
legal rights.
Despite much ado about “Christian”
marriages today, we would be horrified at the thought of doing
marriage the actual “biblical” way. Conversely, God’s people in
biblical times (although we can only infer indirectly) would likely be
horrified at modern Western views of marriage–whether “Christian” or
Human Cloning. There is not one
word in the Bible about this very important 21st century
moral and ethical issue.
Euthanasia. This is the one
issue that Warren might get at least partially right when he
claims the Bible speaks “clearly.” The Bible certainly does talk
about respecting life, from first breath to last breath. On the other
hand, nothing in the Bible even begins to address the modern issue of
extending life with artificial means (as opposed to allowing a natural
and/or merciful death). Furthermore, can one legitimately argue for
using artificial means to extend life (such as in the Terri Schiavo
case), while at the same time argue against using artificial means to
begin life, such as in cloning?
What is “clear” is that Rick Warren and
the Religious Right which he represents in this instance are far
removed from the actual biblical text on all five issues. What is
difficult to understand is how “conservative” Christians, who claim
the Bible as the source of all truth, in reality take non-biblical
stances on the issues that seemingly matter most to them. (Note:
“Non-biblical” and “unbiblical” are not necessarily synonymous.) It
is as if the actual biblical text is offensive and must be replaced
with views that are more politically and theologically correct, and
the Bible itself becomes a blank slate in the pulpits and hands of
persons who are only too willing to mold and shape it into their own
In truth, all Christians will, from
time to time, draw indirect inferences from the Bible to discuss and
interpret contemporary issues not mentioned in scripture. All too
often, however, one’s interpretation of the Bible becomes more
authoritative than the biblical text itself. In the absence of clear
biblical answers to specific contemporary issues, there is a constant
temptation to create our own answers and anchor them in a finality
that is foreign to scripture.
Rick Warren has a widely-recognized,
successful ministry and has earned the respect of many Christians of
varied theological stripes. However, it is most unfortunate that the
“clearest” message that Warren’s political pronouncements convey is
that the “Word of God” is ultimately subservient to the “Word of